Sunday 3 January 2010

Potting Shed, Greenhouse Project

This is the level of progress attained at the end of today, 3 January. In effect, this is the 4th day of work on the project. Now all of the verticals are in place, with the dividing wall structure built, allowing for a doorway access between the potting shed and the greenhouse sections. The dividing verticals have added strength to the floor. The base structure is also painted to preserve this against moisture and bugs. Should the upper structure be given the same treatment? I wonder? The plan is to paint the completed shed/greenhouse either white, white shaded with a hint of lime, lemon or green, with the window frames painted a brighter colour such as yellow, orange or red. It may even be the case that Hannah will paint flowers on the outer walls, and perhaps a line or two from some favourite poems painted on with acrylic paint. We will see.

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