Saturday, 4 April 2009

Mange Tout Flower and Pods

Here is a photo of the mange tout growing in the garden. They were sown directly into the ground at the recommended distance in autumn, now they are a dense growing foliage covered in blossoms and swelling pods, also sporting leaf minor. The pods taste deliciously sweet without being overly sweet and crunchy, easy to snap off and munch in the garden as you pass. This is the first time I have grown mange tout, previously having grown sugar snap peas, but mange tout taste better to my mind.

What is this plant/flower, please?

Today, the rain has dispelled and the sun is seeking its way through the remaining clouds; thus I am preparing to plant out some of the seedlings, beginning with making a small, rough sketch of the vegetable patch and the raised beds. Along the side of the drainage gutter there is a plant growing which reappears every spring and spreads voraciously throughout the summer. I am sure this is a perennial planted there by the previous owner of the house, but what is it; can anyone identify it from this picture? Please comment with suggestions, then maybe I can track it down. Every summer I have tended to cut this down as a weed, but now that flowers are featuring in the midst of the vegetable sector design as well as vegetables, it seems like a good idea to keep it growing, if it is not a weed. Then again a weed is simply a plant and a flower by another name with the conferred status of cast-off or unwanted pariah.